i think that part of what we did as baby boomers in our younger years, we were bodacious, we were audacious we were entitled, we felt we were empowered. and we felt that we stopped the vietnam war, right? we felt that we grew the women's movement. we were engaged in civil rights activities, we made a difference. we were the actors on the horizon. and even as it seems to me, with as you say the rug pulled out, we still have this feeling about ourselves. we still believe that we can make a difference. we still believe that we can come up with good ideas that might help to solve what's happening now. and we must learn however that we are not the owners of this intellectual capital or this cultural capital. and that's why i say this sort of energy of bringing people together, cross generations to solve these problems. >> moyers: the book is "the third chapter: passion, risk, and adventure in the 25 years after 50." sara lawrence-lightfoot, thank you for being with me on the journal. >> you're welcome. it was a great joy. >> moyers: we'll return in a few moments with a visit to a photographer wh