well, bodia, are you not alone now? what are your plans? yura, when are you going to leave me?he left the apartment to his wife from work, quit. well, live with me. here's my dad, i found it. i'm your mother, but it's already dried up 100 years ago. yeah , she's no good, throw her away. yura listen , they say that bees are good for rheumatism. well, a friend told me. well, the first day you put one bee on your back, the second two. well, so 10 days in a row, but it's a pity that it's winter, and i have a burner. we can even wake us up, because we need one bee. and let's try in the morning in the city of relatives have not yet arrived. why do you need this roller yesterday your grandson exchanged a fairly large amount in the store? and how much is that a large amount of how much 5 so i sent him to exchange it, i ’ll ask you to make your pension more uncomfortable with such bills, you don’t need to tell anyone anything. what, i won’t ask for myself, or what? and i don't need defenders at all. i don't get into your life, and you do n't get into mine. there is no time for me. lobot