the boefl obama years, i don't know that i would say racial. >> but where new yorkers in particular,s post racial in terms of racial politics, where we have a re-elected african-american, do you think the videos would have played as well as they did if your son wasn't half african-american? >> obviously it would be gorgeous to one day have a post racial society. i think you're right, that the election of obama was a watershed moment. now we have to build on that watershed moment. here, i think there was a warmth that people connected to in the videos and ads and just the experience of our family. i can't tell you how many people told me after election night what my daughter said when she introduced me and as a parent they felt like pride in her for a daughter to be getting up there and giving that speech. for both our kids and sort of the relationship that we have, i think people have picked up on a very human level. but there is something that's true, yes, it's a indicator of a society that may be healing and getting better. but i don't think we think too ostentationously. we fell i