. >> before we get to anything let's bring in matt boehmer.ork with the fbi in his show. both my mother and sister are in love with this show. why do you think it has such wide appeal? that's two generations. >> i think with tv, it all comes down to the writing. we have smart, fun writers who create great stories for us. i have a lot of fun castmates. we have a great time making the show together. >> that was humble. >> nothing to do with you, right? >> no, no. >> you play the con man and tim plays the fbi agent. you have a tight relationship, known as a bromance off and on screen. what's that about? >> he says yes to my crazy ideas. i say yes to his. that's the key. >> yeah. we don't want to go there. >> that can go a little too far. >> you got to impersonate your partner's character on an upcoming episode. >> we got to make fun of each other, impersonate each other's physical attributes. we have two episodes left this season bringing a lot of what we have been building for two years to a close. anybody can tune in. >> you will find your girl