the boehnor speakership is on track for 48 bills.e is not whether or not you get promoted or how much you get done or against what odds, but whether or not everybody on your team stays on your team, the cohesiveness of your party.ç now, using this measure, speaker john boehner's actually been quite successful. others managed to make sure his republican caucus stayed in line. they voted unanimously on some legislation, and he's kept internal dissent to a whisper, until now. the number of republicans in the house are publicly defying speaker boehner and his proposal for raising the debt ceiling, including the congressman who heads up a group of conservatives in the house who doesn't think speaker boehner's plans has the votes. >> i am confident, as of this morning, that there were not 218 republicans in support of the plan. >> that was republican congressman jim jordan yesterday, but today, late in the day, starting to seem like speaker boehner's fortunes were changing. his debt ceiling proposal was reevaluated by the congressional bu