sued boeingh carolin hadovil claimestate waovs ilrefutaliat@e ilfu@noc rec 2edno tc horesec t ovil dayscontra@ctett-pa to u earlier this year said i2 ovilfu@ technology it acquovilfu noeac rlre consumer interest and productio2 2 e of the mall.pvilfuduncan riche you, wel >> tom: so if it isn't seasonpv hilisfuto estimation?pvilfu, i@no toqvilf2 fear out2 been everythrom a year moreqvilfu steps taken tqvilfu@ ilfuaged by what wqv @seenno oc utre oc f2 @noc freorc 2direction, at l as well as >> well, i threat qvilfu@ reduced ae's gqvoilinfu noc e for yeilfu@ 2 caused no fc ocreusc 2on some that are going especially in the u.s. veryqv ga of indicatorsqvilfu@noc rec @no2 concerned,c 2 this >> i do justqvilfu politicallyqs long-term solution going towonor europe but i think ilfus down.rvil greatrv @tland. our ana futher@e talknoinc g @ noc anred c if2 the paper they c rec 2 c 2adlines.rvilfu@noc lyfu@noc e nohc rec 2 care illustrate health care and why do you rvil>>fu one o@f th like health care is thrvndil of2 totainable. sust i think thervilfu of courservilfu nodec more noc rive it but@ 2di