you ordered bogart's people, nest, have you heard anything about the presumption of innocence, so, baldon, put your little hands here, quickly, don't call me bald, i need a lawyer, and i have the right to one phone call, yes, oh, yes, that's right, sorry, joseph davidovich, you know these songs too, yes, you probably love tarantina, give me the rake, the fast side, if it was he who ordered bogart, why didn't he did you lie down? "you don't have anything against me, you sit down, calm down, if only he were a good person, it 's always a good thing, igor, well think about what awaits us now, 2 years of legal red tape, then he'll get a suspended sentence for not paying all the taxes, so should we let him go, probably yes, maybe we'll get lucky and koschei will knock him down, what do you think, listen, i even like that better." let him knock him down with his mother-in-law, and koschei won't go against me, i'm not afraid of him, i even let the security guards go wash the car. hello, oh, why are you sitting here, everyone 's waiting for you there, the bosses are scolding you, otherwise you d