boggess: i have a statement and follow-up question.ff gait -- navigate the first step. i support all the recommendations that you put forth and using that to help our decision-making. for me, no more your representations did you lift up district property. reminding people that we're not at that state. the question i have for staff is kind of understanding that we're going to have sites winding down support for students and programs that are geared towards supporting student success. what is going to be in place to support sites in developing kind of plans to manage that type of stuff. is that a question that we get more answered and more detailed in the spring, we would now. is there any intention supporting school sites with the transitions away. understand we're going to do everything we can in the short-term to stabilize but they are moving the core of our budget how do we handle that generally and are we doing that in those sites that are impacted. >> i would say that some of those specifics, we will be finalizing as we finalize th