in the service of the king of which country, boguslav rodevil received the rank of field marshal.den. saxony brandenburg. the first? that's right. how about going the entire route? it turns out that it’s not so simple, you need to really drill your memory into your brain, but it seems that i succeeded, so victoria, you are worthy answered the questions of this game, therefore , by the decision of the scientific team of the zhodino regional museum, you are awarded a diploma signed by the director, hurray, if only it was always like this, you answered the questions and received a diploma, beauty, well, in such an unusual form i got to know zhodino better, it’s come time... i, the founder of zhodina, the prince of the holy roman empire, charonzhiy and konyushi of the grand duchy of lithuania, boguslav radivil, am glad to welcome you to the prince’s chambers. 18th century, the year was 1643, i come to these areas and see that the path that passes through my city of smalevichi, not close, i decide to found another city, together, where a small river zhotinka flows into the river forest