and russian boheme is competing only two could play at that level.d second, there was no time to worry about allied sensitivities. not least the democrats started being drawn to the magnetic appeal of john f. kennedy, the young senator from massachusetts, who'd announced to the eisenhower administration for a resolve for the military weakening of america, for enabling the world to be half slave and half free. and kennedy ran for office on what harold macmillan, british prime minister who succeeded eden, called the churchill ticket. kennedy was explicit about the five star general in the white house being militarily incompetent and allowing the united states to lie open to stalinist soviet type power. indeed he was elected in 1960, and in those iconic thousand days of his administration, i chart this as so much changing and so much going awry.not only was the u.s. now after sputnik going forth into the world getting little attention to allies, but with the kennedy administration entirely new heated environment came to the floor. the type we live with