still, there are thousands of people, thousands of families on boho living in temporary accommodationsting until they feel it's safe enough for them to return to their permanent homes. >> reporter: crews of a u.s. ship detaind in india is arrested for failing to produce the necessary paperwork for the weapons on board. the vessel is owned by virginia-based antipiracy company called advan fort and it was seized on october 11, that 25 crew and security guards on board. hundreds of legislatures visited an shrine for those who died in the war and they stayed away from the shrine and convicted war criminals are honored and south korea asked not to visit the shrine and made an offering for the festival. last officials say they lack equipment and man power to find more than 30 bodies still missing after a plane crash on wednesday, 17 bodies have been found so far. and none of which could be immediately identified and 49 people on the plane were killed and the airline said it's yet to find out why it crashed. u.s. government workers are back at work after republicans and democrats agreed on a