or what primary boileau. we do not have a bow on the bow quote that we have that no one. you have anything that could have am and that. susie is dealing with a difficult situation where a person isn't quite understanding them the eyes having to react it's making an os like it's a real pos and this is a bit scary and a bit strange when is this going to go away as it go from just picking simpler point one what i mean let's go back your first question i mean just to start off with the ethical implications here are really kind of the big thing because typically when we interact with our devices it's a one way street i'm the one who makes the decision of how i'm going to be using my device but if suddenly i can have like this chat bot basically going out making calls for me suddenly another person is involved in the transaction so suddenly you know when i'm saying i'm using my device i'm giving my permission to use the device but if suddenly it's calling someone else then there's a huge ethical quandary there because they don't know that they're actually talking to a computer