boko haram as terrorists. unfortunately, the state department has not designated the boko haram as an organization as a foreign terrorist organization. we believe that still has to happen, and we are encouraging people to sign up with a petition to the white house, requesting that the boko haram be put on the foreign terrorist organization list. this is an organization responsible, in our count, this year alone, 1,317 civilians in nigeria have been killed by boko haram. no other country in the world has had that death toll of civilians, not even afghanistan. >> george: ann, let me jump in the few seconds we have remaining, why do you think the nigerian government has been unable so far to stop boko haram. is it a lack of will or is it something else? quickly, please. >> i believe it is an inability to effectively prosecute those responsible. i also believe there is pressure from outside, including from the united states, to actually negotiate with these terrorists. and that's something that needs to change and stop. prosecutions need to take place, impunity needs to stop. >> george: and there appears to be a n