. >> all of you, you demonstrations earlier, pertaining to the previous items bol sters my point and demonstrates how that you have a ball of confusion on your hands and even yourself, you admit, that you would not pay the one, two or three thousands a month for a studio. you couldn't afford it. but yet, still in all, you set the income brackets for the requirements. you make reference to the income scale and claim that teachers make $57,000 a year and you got staff that works in your office that can't afford to live in the city. that is because you are price fixing. you claim that you claiming tax credits and the tax credits that you claiming, like you do it on that apartment building, you claim a federal low income tax credit, got the government thinking that you will house low income bracket people. when you get past that process, you delivery price fix and provide the housing opportunities at 55% of $40,400 a year. that's not fair. and it's outrageous. in fact, you further bolster the point that you need rent control. the professors from uc berkley demonstrated all the details as