no argument, no reasons given, boldan outright condemnation and categorical rejection. -- 33?uestion 33. no argument, no reasons given, no logic to it, just under out bald condemnation and categorical rejection. 33. and it was instigated by one person in particular. and i really reacted to that very negatively. i thought this was a fundamental betrayal of academic values. and i don't use the term free speech because i think that is the wrong term. it is the wrong term for a number of reasons. first of all, the free speech rights that we all value so much do not apply against private institutions. people forget that. public institutions have to adhere to a free speech code. private institutions can fire you for whatever they want. we have this implement at will. technically, i have no free-speech rights. i have tenure. that is something different. and they have the free-speech right to categorically reject all my claims. and the students have the right to call me a racist and a sexist and a xenophobe and a white supremacist. this is not a matter of rights. brian: what happened