if you could tell, one of the things that makes the book fund to read is there are boldfaced names on every page, and -- >> is that your way of saying shameless name dropping? >> anyway, the name, just a few, donald trump, bill o'reilly, barbara walters, tony blair, warren batey, and ahmadinejad. >> that's chapter one. [laughter] >> sometimes they are guests on the show, sometimes people you run into at parties where you ask them to be on the show. >> i see ahmadinejad how many times he was in love. that was a moment. >> yes. >> he look at me for quite about five seconds, and said, i am in love with all of humanity. [laughter] true story. >> well, as george clooney is mentioned in the subtitle of the book, tell us a good george clooney story. >> i saw george last week by chance as "gravity" was launching in new york, and i walked into the private luncheon, and he's with his publicist, dan, an old friend of mine, and, hey, george, you're in the title of business of the book. he said, i am? i said, yeah, it's called "shooting straight: guns, gays, god, and george clooney," and he said,