bolingbrook exclaims in god's name isle ascend the regal throne. one of the advisors the bishop of carlisle objects. saying if you crown him bowling work. the blood of english shall manure the ground oh if you raise this house against this house. it will the woeffless division prove that ever fell upon the cursed earth. polling book ignores the bishop's warning richard is deposed and bowling work becomes. king henry the fourth for all his skill bolingbook eventually fails, although he'll remain king until his death. and passed the crown down to his son and grandson. their reigns eventually will devolve into brutal civil war. this happens for reasons that were brought to bowling brooks early attention. by the bishop of carlisle but bollingbrook would not listen. there are other examples king lear divides his land. according to how profusely his daughter's flatter him and when the honest cordelia refuses to flatter lear eruption anger. he denies cordelia any inheritance. and banishes her an impetuous act that he will come to profoundly regret. julius