the technicals, statisticals, et cetera, you look at the s & p, right now, approaching that upper bolinger band. that means two-stare deviations of movement. something that doesn't happen often two or three times this year, the chance was to happening less than 5%. i'm worries we are overbought here and i think we see a correction, at least in the next day or two. >> jack, you buying this? >> on the commodity front, just don't underestimate china. everybody last week was all over the, you know, china is a blip story, this is not true at any fundamental level. you got to really demand-driven commodity story. >> a blip in terms of how much they have accumulated, that a blip? >> you know, only so much iron ore you can store, so much of the base metals you can store, we know they don't have massive storage facilities pore pelt tropical storm yum, i don't think china is the story. on the overbought, oversold, tough look at this in the context of the past 12 months a all right of standard deviations in the fall 2008 into march of this year so, while i agree their seeing a movement on the upsid