that bollenbach and they send another crowd in the same thing happens. we know that is not true with. have to do something to stop this flow money. i thought about it a great deal and frankly, over the years, i have equivocated from time to time about what we need to do and there is no perfect answer to it. i think the best answer that i can think of is we need some form of public financing. when i say public financing, i mean that financing together with a limitation on the amount of donations. think how wonderful it would be if a congressman in a perfect world did not have to go out and raise all this money and feel obligated. when i raised money, i consider myself a very honest person and have never been accused of being otherwise, but i will tell you when somebody gave me a big check for my campaign or something or i solicited a donation, i will not tell you that i did not feel just a little, i wanted dirty, but not exactly what i had in mind for my future. i ended up having to spend too much time doing that. this past year, the supreme court ruling