her book examines the relationships between banks and bankers and our national government bollenbach to the turn of the last century period the story forward to the president day of my rights is is the co-author of "the bankers' new clothes" is anat admati. and george parker professor of economics graduate school of business i know from personal experience as one of our most uncompromising and penetrating analyst of the banking sector that we have today. for both shines best buy allow dash a spotlight how they could have avoided the most effective reforms since the crisis by lobbying and i hope i am not being to plunge, by buying. [laughter] -- lying and to my far right pathologically speaking is helaine olen a former colleague at "the new york times" and her book is "pound foolish." her work has appeared in the "washington post" and a "forbes" but her book looks at the personal finance monsters the week inundated with every day on television , on-line and in print.k and to have preliminary thoughts their motivations and anything they want to say with the subjects they can fit into w