he had the bolo punch. when you're a kid, i used to watch with my grandmother who spoke no english. 2345need a language f wrestling, look out behind you! it was at the olympic auditorium which wasn't too far from my house. so my best friend jesse who lived across the street from the school, his mother did bo bo brazil's laundry, so he used to pull up every other week in a big, long, white cadillac convertible. and the whole school would rush over to his car and jesse being my best friend, he would call us over and give us a quarter. and me being his best friend, i got a quarter, too. so the whole school was like, my first brush with show business. i'm in to this. it was great. >> when did you know? there are great stories in here about how you and chong got together with the club that he owned >> yeah. yeah. >> maybe you'll tell some of that, but when did you now that entertainment was what you were destined to do? >> first grade. first grade, maybe kindergarten. >> yeah. >> i was in the christmas play for the class, and we were singing "up on the rooftop, boom, boom, boom." and for