the end of the year, this will significantly reduce the interval of train traffic on the bolshaya koltsevaya lineyanin visited a report by yaroslav karensenko today. 115.000 m² of high -tech latest achievements in the construction of electronics and the railway industry nizhny novgorod depot, from which in many respects will depend on the stable operation of the large circle line of the moscow metro, the construction is almost completed; in fact, the technological heart of the metro is not tunnels and stations, but large electric depots. there will be almost 23 train locations, and this is where trains will arrive in the evening, when the metro closes all night inspection, repair, preventive maintenance, a unique solution that will be used for the first time in this depot. here on the rails there will be special sensors that instantly they will assess the condition of the wheelsets passing by in the cars and transmit this information to the dispatcher’s monitor, who will decide which gate to send the train to, that is, the train is just approaching the repair building, and the specialists inside