. -- bob rda -- bombardier. every statistic shows that. a lot of them have gone back because they cannot get jobs here, but there are jobs back for more ever they came from. to some extent, the issue of what do you do with 11 million undocumented is fixing itself. it is also true, incidentally, that the number of undocumented, and they are here, yes, they broke the law, but they broke the law because we as a country wanted them here, and we wanted to have it both ways, so we passed the immigration reform to say it was illegal, and then we helped them, and did not enforce the law, so we are complicit and that, as well, but to jeopardize our economy based on what happens in the past is just about as stupid as i can think of. it is hard to explain that to my children. we are sacrificing someone's ability to get a job in the future because of whatever you think happens in the past. it is just nonsensical. we have too much in this country on blaming. we are looking back, for example, on the mortgage crisis. who caused the mortgage crisis? numbe