so representatives from lalapalo lalapalooza, bonaroo, and hawaiian food festival, major player, and i was there to learn about emerging trends and more best practices to carry this knowledge back to the event community here and it was high level. a couple of my favorite panels were about how to insure public safety and managing a public event and as early on as possible collaborate with the highest levels of government and get their buy-in and other things how to make the case to the board about investing in event technology and i have been able to connect with people who are based here as well as elsewhere at the conference, so that was really cool. i will be going to austin for the first ever city conference for people who work in city government who regulate and organize events. it is called the municipal special events summit. i will be on a panel about policy development with nashville, austin, and chat chat. and then the point of this is to share these best practices and learn just what are the kinds of tools that the other cities are doing. literal and figure tools that wil b