saint bonaventure university new york. b.s. marketing. state university of new york at buffalo, mba. marketing intelligence service, a subsidiary of data monitor, a company headquartered in london, england. general manager, naples, new york, 10 years and currently. lookout magazine formerly published by marketing intelligence service. editor eight years. productscan online, a database of new consumer package goods, executive editor 10 years and currently. health products, business magazine. a trade journal, columnist five years and currently. hobby, skiing, auto racing. tom, robert vierhile. born chicago 61 years of age, daughter donna. one daughter. jewish. democrat. university of chicago, b.s. chemistry. massachusetts institute of technology, ph.d., micro biology. center for science in the public interest, a nonprofit public health advocacy association with over 8,000 members. cofounder and executive director 33 years and currently. author, numerous books, including "restaurant confidential," "marketing madness," and "what are we feedin