locationight now- which even the li keepers have very limited cess to -- in orde t disturb e mother-baby bondg. did her get to meet t cub's proud dad -- taz -- akinup the sun in the exhibit y. this ithe first cub the zoo has had in almost n years!! wee ry pud of our ttle by boy, he irivi mashavu is feedingery well. he a vy big boy alrey and we're loing for him to outgrow his dare in out yearr ! the ba cubhould be ready t beut on the exhibit in early toid-april ansotime withie nextmonth, theublic will be asked we'll be right baconht y in tonht's yr hethy ..the ka virus was oe agai toc of discussion on capitol hill. the heads of both the ceers for diseasntrol and th national institutef allergy and inctious diseases spoke to a senate subcommtee about today. presidt obamhas asked congress for 1 point billion in ergencfunding toelp mbat zika... ic songlsuspted of causinvere birth defects.. the rus s spread rapidly via mosquitos in latin america. public healtexperts predict small oures in parts of the s... but are most conrned about puto rico. s/ tom feden - c rector :16 e think theris a real possib