maria yuhas is a known and bonefide driver to 20 years, and it is a fact that she never had a single complaint from the public before the police department, taxi commission and sfmt, say that she refused to conveyor something, from mr. lewis admission to me, he stated that he knows that she is driving and she would pick up anything that moves, including wheelchairs. and this is exactly what maria is doing. we can't measure wait someone's loyal ship. >> mt came out with this recommendation of what to do or how to work. well it is a sort of double-edged sword or a two-way ... you can't... you can't... the taxi cab drivers are independent contractors. you can't tell them how to work or what to do between 4:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. and at the same time, telling them that listen, you should go to this place and that places and that is exactly what she was doing. she would start the shift driving by hospitals and if there is a fare available she picks up, if not she moves on. she often goes to the airports. she was going to the medallion granted in 2008 and was stayed with the prog