. >> jon: you go to bonetown? >> you go to bonetown.tay in bonetown for about 80 minutes. >> stephen: that's nice. that's kind of impressive. [laughter] i got a two-part question. what is the movie about, and given our modern overscheduled lives, that leave us so little time to read books or even be with lowferred one, should people be going to movies? [laughter] >> i think that's a very valid question. >> stephen: thank you. >> to make it easier, you can watch it on your phone. it's available on all phones tomorrow, and you... i don't think you need to pay attention it to. here's the thing, the movie is paper thin. there's no substance here at all. >> stephen: really? me likey. >> you can kind of half pay attention to your children. you can kind of half pay attention to making dinner, and you can just watch... and it's quick. flies by. >> stephen: can you really get this on your phone? >> you will be able to get it on your phone because all movies are available on phones now. >> stephen: i could watch it while i'm driving. >> yeah. >>