means that the bone was broken in more than one place, so the rods and screws are to stabilize the boneye fasc iot omy was to make sure the surrounding soft tissues, muscles and ligaments are protected while healing. >> doctor, what is the rehab and physical therapy process looking like for him, and when could he actually be up and walking again? >> it's going to be a long road to recovery in most cases of open fractures, but once the bones are stabilized, walking is actually not the biggest concern. oftentimes patients are able to get up and start walking relatively early. again, it depends -- >> define early, doc. are we talking months, weeks? >> sure. well, it really depends, and, of course, only doctors that are treating tiger woods know for sure about his specific injury, but in general many times when we fix the bones with rods and screws patients can actually start walking immediately. other times there are delays depending upon the particular fracture pattern, and it could be weeks or sometimes even months. >> do you think, and, again, you haven't treated him, but in general with