two, the sale of these beverages limited to ticket holders only during and two hours prior to a bonified theater performance of the theater company. it's define that the licensee must operate a troop of actors for the purpose of putting on a performance. number three, the sales of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises is strictly probabilitied and served in containers clearly distinguishable from non alcoholic containers and limited to the sale of no more than two per person per sale. number six, an employee or security guard shall ensure the beverages are within the permitted area when the abc license is being exercised. number seven, laterring and defined to stand idling about and linger without lawful business and prohibited on any sidewalks or property adjacent to the licensed premise under the control of the licensee on the abc form 257. number eight, the petitioners are responsible for freeing of litter and with sufficient power and emlum nate and easily discernible of all personos the premises. no noise shall be audible beyond the area and control of the licensee as