because patrons have come out repeatedly and stepped on bonnett.this has been a problem with this building. nothing against mr. owens. we want to have a working situation with him. when the neighbors found out recently that this hearing was happening, they called me and we came up with these conditions. i think they are fair and i would like to work with mr. allen's more. thank you. >> good evening. i may legislative aide to the district to supervisor. we like to ask that you continue this because we have not heard from the owner, we have not heard anything about this until recently. there has been little neighborhood outreach in our opinion. the neighborhood associations have not had a chance to meet with mr. aowen. mr. feldman has not sat down and met with him. when patrisha was meeting with him, they met casually but did not have a meeting. also, our office has never been contacted and as commissioner joseph stated, the past owner created a serious situation for the neighborhood. and past owners created serious situations for the neighborhood. i