bonnett on the ground again. -- vomit on the ground again. that day we felt we were able to meet the manager and we talked for half an hour that night and went over the different concerns we have. we talked about backing down on the bottle service, listening that or making it more expensive. we talked about controlling the lines. not having it completely blocked. it said the -- set the tone. another one was a 85 -- was 85 campton. it is an alleyway going out to stockton. it is to 30 a.m. and you have a large group. i did not see any security out there. security had them go outside and they were done and we're going to go home. they still have a responsibility of dealing with the people over on stockton street. the hustler club on february 25 at 12:30 pm we talked to them about not having [unintelligible] it was a perfect time or unfortunate for them. we have an increase in patrons having injuries when having altercations with security. i went to talk to the security supervisor and i said, i have not been there for any of these fights i do not