unfortunately, many thanks to you all, michelle chapman, jacob and bonnie fonseca for being on the program today. as always, thank you for watching. don't forget, you can see this program again any time by visiting our website at al jazeera dot com for further discussion, join us our facebook page. that's a facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. and you can draw the compensation on twitter or handle at a j inside story for me, adrian finnegan and the whole team here though, how, thanks for watching. i'll see you again. bye for them. ah. join the debate. there is no, he job bad, better. yeah, you know, if anyone here talks about women that i took, a sample of them says notes how big is off the table. we were taught to see abortion as a one way ticket strength to help all of the companies. they deny any responsibility, even though they have the resources in the power to fix it, where a global audience becomes a global community. the comment section is right here. the part of today's program, this stream on al jazeera holding the powerful to account. as we examine the u. s. sheets ro