it's not over yet. >> we will have bonnie schneider throughout the day. our guest host this hour is richard dodd. michael chase is joining us as well. he has an entrepreneurial spirit on tech. in davos, this is what i read. this is an 80 page essay. is the guy who put these together. we will talk about emerging markets print what can you tell us about the american labor economy? that theod news is talent from around the world wants to come in. unlike other countries where talent does not want to go, america has a source for that. that is very good news because there is a problem with the american labor economy in the number of people with the relevant degrees for what american employers want, a farm, technology and others is a small per cent. >> we have not flung open the golden door. lady liberty is not welcoming at this point because they cannot get immigration reform through. we will have a rich days a mismatch in skills and jobs. happens, the jobs will move elsewhere. if the companies cannot get the talent here, they can put their engineering faciliti