please follow me on twitter @bonnieerbe. from pregnancy to sexism. a new ad campaign launched this week by u.n. women reveals that despite decades of global advancement, sexism and discrimination against women is still rampant worldwide. u.n. women hired an ad agency to conduct google searches on phrases such as "women should" and "women can't." the search engine's autocomplete function generated phrases such as "women should be slaves," "should not work", "cannot drive" and need to be controlled. the ads display the most popular responses over the mouths of women, showing in graphic form how women are silenced by gender bias. the united nations organization's officials believe this is proof it needs to continue making the case. for gender empowerment and equality. so marjorie clifton what about this campaign, do you think it's a good idea? >> i think it's very telling what bing and google and other great search engines allow removing the human hand to sort of see in a very analytical way what humans and what people are actually doing online without