’t have time to button my pants after going to the toilet, and i’ve been serving for 15 years, i bonopartai got for it. that you brought yourself to trial before him, and did not deprive the commander of his life, maybe then you will lead your honor? no, guys, no, on your own, otherwise, i’ll get a medal, but you, as rebels, remained like that, did it work out or not? anna, i found out that for you the calf is not a circassian, like everyone else. remind you where you left off? i remember you said you loved me, and you? i believed it. repeat one more time. i love you, you are asking me to marry you, this is the proposal, where are the flowers, flowers, when you propose, gives flowers, little things always give us away, i used to want to know when you do offer, be sure to know in advance. i no, no, stay where you are, go, now someone will definitely come in, sergey, have you ever been told that you are handsome? mother as a child, you are very beautiful! so, wait, mr. pester, and now, who can put one hand behind his back and drink this glass, and if i were you, i wouldn’t stand up for schwa