and -- i think this is a large per group of people than were in attendance when i launched the bookla in brooklyn kind of my he turf so forgive me if i'm overwhelmed with deer in the headlights eyes i'm funnel coffee but i'm excite that side you're hereea and i appreciate . i wanted to thank connor and library and festival for holding something that draws together such a neats array of book i'm excited to be a guest here and check out other books as well and thank you for come out on a saturday morning in the drizzle to chat about this project. sop i'm really grateful for that and i wanted to say thanks. [laughter] so ink figured i would start off by telling you a little bit about genesis of the book itself and then read a little bit and do q and i and i would be happy about to chat about anything that you would like to know more about. but for me so i'm a journalist and we read a lot. and -- a lot of times i feel like my students i teach grad students in journalism they expect that ideas jump fully formed out of journalist heads like -- afino and that it is magical no influence and t