a bookor frank williams about abraham lincoln. join us for the mississippi book festival on book tv on c-span2. tonight, at 8 p.m. on c-span, african-american lgbtq leaders talk about issues facing their communities, including acceptance, inclusion, and civic engagement. talked about voting, running for office, but there is so much political work that has to happen young those things, right? david was saying that justices we have been here, policy is moving to prevent queer people from being parents. from adopting and fostering children. it is better for a child to stay in the system then, heaven forbid, to queer people adopting them. c-span, c-span.org, and listen on the free c-span radio app. on thursday, sec chair occupy joined the other three commissioners for an oversight hearing by the senate commerce committee. lawmakers asked about the expansion of broadband services in rural areas, investment in 5g , and the recent repeal of net neutrality rules. the hearing is under three hours. senator thune: good morning and welcome to