books are for sale courtesy of the great independent bookseller bookpeople. [applause] buy a book. when you buy a book your support not only the author, the festival and a great local indie store but you are also helping the texas book festival as a nonprofit entity, pursuant to its mission of supporting low-income schools with other visits, but donations via the reading rock stars program and to fund grants for libraries throughout the state. additionally the festival is running a benefit, a book drive benefit this weekend to raise money to rebuild texas libraries that were damaged by hurricane harvey. that program works like this, when you go to the cash register to check out and purchase your books, simply tell the cashier that you would like to donate an additional $15 to buy a book for a reading rock star student. the tbf and the tucker foundation for each match your donation to rebuild a library affected by hurricane harvey. you can see, by one book, kids in texas and the library system, three books in that going to help people. all of this should make it quite clear exactly