>>host: booktv ozzie spend too would get the different aspects of the publishing world and one of those is the authors guild says she is the executive director of the group. what is that, mary rasenberger? >> organization started in 1912 that a was to represent coauthors interest copyright's, free-speech we have been doing the same thing for over 100 years we represent their interests than publisher is we just had up panel on contract initiatives where we are looking at the standard trade publishing agreement and asking questions if the terms are the same in the digital world. we have 9,000 members we provide services for our members legal services for authors and also agents and other members and we provide web site services helping them to build their web site you cannot not have a of web site if you have a book today it is fairly low cost in respect lot of time that we are the only group in the u.s. the represents all authors and we're trying to ensure that they can make a living today is getting harder and harder but we took a survey about one year ago where we found that the author