boop! find the damaged tendon, and boop! mr. laser zaps it. that's all! - gee, could you talk down to me, carol, so i could understand what you're saying? - of course i have read about cases where they boop! - carol! that's enough booping for now. come on, you stay right there. i'm going to give you something for the pain. - why don't you just take her with you? - hey, neighbor! we're the mckeevers, just in from toronto, ey. - hi. - daddy, is he a homeless person? - no, i'm a sculptor. - what's that? - well, i draw pictures, and then i make statues that look like them. - that's your job? - you know, honey, like you do in art class. carrie, draw a picture for the man, ey? kid's an art machine! - wonderful. - she's been doing it since she was a baby. turns them out by the dozens. you can't even see our refrigerator anymore. - great. wow! - i drew the balloons so it looks like some of them - yeah, i know what perspective is! - i'm sorry. i'm a little on edge. back to work... - we don't want to bother you, ey. - [gasp] - he's got a body in there! - cool! let me see! - come on, honey! we're never coming to the states again! - charley, what are you doing in there? - [yawns] well, i was sleeping. - get out of there! - look, i