boothby: good idea. keep him waiting. let him sweat it out. announcer: in this corner, representing the alpha quadrant, earth and humanity the challenger, chakotay! ( cheering ) everybody loves an underdog. announcer: in this corner champion of the delta quadrant kid chaos! ( cheering ) looks like he's got a lot of upper-body strength-- a real puncher. just keep your elbow low when you throw the right and don't come in too straight; you'll be okay. what's the scouting report? we don't know this guy. self. that's all you've got to remember and don't raise the elbow. computer: begin round one. boothby, where are you? still here, son. i'm not going anywhere. you... are... far from where... you call home. you... are... lost. do you understand? ( grunts ): yes. we are far from home. we are lost. our... home... is here. ( grunting ) our... home... is here... ( grunting ) chaotic space? ur head! i understand! we are too... alien... for you. we are too... strange... for you. maybe we're the ones who are too alien... too strange. if... you... sta