dan. >> caller: booya, jim. >> booya. >> caller: i'm calling about camping world. >> i don't know whyt stock got hit so bad. i thought the quarter was okay. you know, honestly i was going over that with david faber, we thought, geez, it looks like a good number. maybe the stock's been up too much. let me make some more calls on that. we know of course that's marcus lemonis, it was a good number. i didn't get why the stock was down so much. let's go to brad in illinois. brad. >> caller: hi, jim. long-time fan of the show. first i want to thank you for all the years of great advice you've given out. >> thank you. >> caller: my question is, i was fortunate enough to recently take a position and applied opta electronics. >> monster. report tonight you could say is going to hurt these stocks, i got to find how much overlap there is with this stock and finisar, it's down so much it's shaking people out of the optical. let me find out the overlap and i will come back. let's go to billy in new york. billy. >> caller: how are you doing, jim? >> i'm doing good. how about you? >> caller: staten