we have a sickening reliance on security contractors, the likes of booz allen hamilton holding companiesxthat snowden worked for. security, the people that we , are not tax dollars really secure themselves, so they are at our attack vectors. do you understand? >> i do. it seems like we are in a bad place. >> we are in a bad place. we are in a really bad place, and as time goes on, you are going to continue to hear stories like, oh, the chinese government has infiltrated the post office, or the russian government has infiltrated the sewage system. this is going to continue to happen until we change our perspective on security. we need to stop treating security as a contract job and accept security as a way of life that we need to think about. all right? we all, individually, have the responsibility to focus on our own security. there is no reason why you should have an intern handle your e-mail. you should be able to handle your own e-mail. >> can you imagine this? it is said, and i have no way to judge, that you were really, really good. >> i will leave it up to people to decide. imagine