bopha was another one that came onshore.sthis case, the heavy rains what caused most of the destruction. that is mostly the case in the philippines. when it rains heavily, you tend to get a lot of flooding. da, it moves relativity quickly, so it did , but theree rains was quite a lot of wind damage and storm surge. bopha hit,r, when the head of the climate was talking about the devastation in his country. as we see here, every hour, even as we vacillate and procrastinate here, we are suffering. there is massive and widespread devastation at home. hundreds of thousands have been rendered homeless. our ordeal is far from over. madam chair, we have never had a typhoon like bopha which has area like this which has seen a storm of this size. finally, madam chair, i speak on ,ehalf of 100 million filipinos a quarter million of whom are eking out a living here in qatar. appeal,ing an urgent not as a negotiator or leader of my delegation, but as a filipino , i appeal to the whole world, i appeal to the leaders from all over the worl