please the borbidge search warrant open the door. the form it search warrant open the door. before a search warrant open the door. that's quite. a . sight but if you know where you're. pretty supportive. of the little boy well i got the old boy. ok really. close. to coming out. we're. going to leave you alone so the police department clear. clear. partner with more and. more. all right. very. clear. right ok. just make sure this. isn't. the first time. we approach i don't think. so what we're doing is. make sure. that nobody was home. but we do a search warrant. we made entry. search the. ok. now it's up to the investigators they are going to search the entire house for evidence. of lyrics full of hatred towards law enforcement but the fugitive belongs to the gang but the investigation is only beginning. and the bounty hunters the search warrants because they didn't they are always borderline in their interventions. the target is a forty year old fugitive once again. crystal meth a trendy drug in california these days he has a thirty five thousand. he did not attend. the bou