has cross cross borderr ord. it has it hahas doing things using ordinary data real real gone bad mass mass [inanaudible] thrhree six relations for the last. one russia russia russian russian imposed right right but it's actually. the winning days total russia russia's the culture generally. said. shock. she says that an economic no more more money but it also [inaudible] this. since. sounds on assistance please and kate katie lizzy is wake raises a black lab final you ll. this is not technically up. for the demonstrators. right right to left represents room were for free. but the reality [inaudible] after that. right right was first time with more than fifteen here years have been have been a part of our divisive splitting living in art art is content to is -- but opponents say women the free flow of information effectively illegally internet. article order thirteen laws are. and that is our solders any amendments on wednesday with a subject to further negotiations before final vote in the in the parliament janua