there's a thing called the national borelli database that has run out of the national institute of standard and technology where a lot of the vulnerability sharing is done. liesyl? >> i think an important aspect of that is the ongoing dialogue i mentioned between the various parties on an ongoing basis on just of something happens. and there's also the notion of responsible disclosure that's been worked on over time between government industry about how to disclose something at least publicly that at the right time when it allows you to take action to defend themselves but also doesn't subject, you know, the environment to be exploited without protections you put in place so there's a lot of dialogue required, the mechanism for that on a consistent basis. you know, there's going to be times when there is tension between a disclosure or not and that just seems to be worked out as quickly as possible. their finances wear the traditional ways of disclosing have been overruled by the dialogue that took place. >> i'm going to go to the goebel moderator now. actually the first two questions, how