the first three speakers are rez peter bejger and richard borgm borgman. >> good afternoon. i came here actually hearing protected bike lanes with a bit of alarm, and came here to say support for the bike path on fell, and no on oak. but after hearing the presentation, i realized that there is some -- that some of the safety concerns were addressed. so i think there is a way to move forward with this project in a way that's safe for everyone. i am a professional bicyclist and i pull a trailer. so a lot of times i have to think fairly critically about the amount of visibility and ability to apply brakes not in a sudden way but in a way that it doesn't disrupt automobile as well as bike traffic. the reason that i've fairly happy about fell street is it's a farewell low speed climb coming west. and it's a good place to actually have bike traffic segregated from auto traffic that is faster, and encourage more people it use it. i would worry about the separation though. there have been a lot of bike lanes put in recently on jfk, on clipper street, which really make bike travel un