boris donskoy at the same time prepared an attempt on skoropadsky himself, but it was revealed.ntil now, by the way, according to the literature, the numbers of the german austrian opposition army range from 350 to half a million, and even in the scientific literature the numbers are not exactly known . time. naturally. the losses of the peasants were many times more russian state archives. today, materials on the history of the ukrainian state that have come down to us are stored here. according to experts, most of the official documents of the hetman's government perished during the civil war. personal archival, which he, with the help of the germans, went to germany in 1945. therefore, each documentary evidence of the era of his reign is of great historical value. i have in front of me a unique historical document, these are memoirs of the highest officials of the skoropadsky government written by them already in exile. in them, they talk in some detail and frankly about why the plan to create a ukrainian state in 1918 in the territories of the former south russian provinces